Darshan has worked with corporates for more than 10 years in Software Develpoment, background as Software Engineer but the driving force of his life for the past 14 years is the passion for mountaineering & heritage conservation. For the passion and love for mountains, he left his 9-5 job with handsome salary and started working full time in the outdoor industry from Jun 2010. He is a experiential educator and a first aid responder. Darshan has managed more than 500 different activities ranging from treks, Nature Trails, kids camp to corporate outbound programs till date and intends to lose the count. He is always on the hunt to explore the possibilities and avenues of new outdoor activities. He strives to bring smile on faces of people through his specially crafted outdoor activities.
Aryan is pursuing Degree in B.sc Computer Science, besides his professional career, he likes trekking, mountaineering & immense love with nature. He has joined Destination Nature as a volunteer & co-ordinator in 2020. He has done Certified First-Aid Course through Indian Red-Cross Society. He is very enthusiast person in learning about new stuff every time. He loves travelling new places and acquiring knowledge about it. His skills of caring about participants & warm hearted responses turn out happy mob around him.
As a profession Kalyani is a teacher. Her passion & love about kids makes the atmosphere happy. This quality only brings her together with Destination Nature. She manages every moment in such a simple & happy way that everyone gets pleased & complacent. She makes every Trip & trail of Destination Nature, a relaxed experience & moment. In short making every event a success moment is her one of best quality.
Rachana is pursuing Degree in Sanskrit & Indology. Striving force about our rich monuments & nature attracts her to Destination Nature & she started various activities with Destination Nature. Her skills of imparting comprehensive information about monuments in such easy and interesting way bring inspiration and motivation in every one’s heart. Her caring nature & qualities made her a pride for Destination Nature as well its participants.